Exploring new ways of thinking about Self and Life

Hello, I’m Brianne, a writer and transformation coach with a penchant for the poetic and philosophical. You’ll most often find me hanging out in the creative space between what is me and what is not me, asking honest questions, observing intently, and sharing the notes I take along the way.

I help curious and passionate people explore themselves and life in new ways, so they can access deeper creativity, express themselves more authentically, and confidently interact with Life’s challenges.

My approach

I don’t believe in telling people what to think or feel, but rather showing them how it is that they can think and feel deeper.

Why? Well, because I think we tend to live very constricted lives, within thin bands of ideas and emotions. As a result we choke ourselves off from our full humanity and potential, as well as the ability to have a rich, thorough experience of being alive. And that’s a shame. We also hurt ourselves, each other, and the planet by carrying forward the ideas of Self and Life that came before us. And that’s dangerous.

I don’t have answers to solve the world’s problems, or an individual’s - but I do believe we can learn new ways to be in relationship with ourselves and existence so that we reduce personal and universal suffering.

How? Opening up to the unknown, stepping outside and beyond what came before, daring to explore what we previous thought we knew. At the very least, we can go on an adventure of the spirit and soul. And maybe, just maybe we can come back from our journey with fresh ideas that carry Life forward in a new direction.

Why Me?

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Here is the game I am up to – getting to know and understand life and myself, what it all is and does, at deeper and deeper levels. Why I started this journey, or exactly how, I cannot really say. One day I just realized that was the path I consistently found myself on. Along the way I saw things that profoundly changed the way I see and experience life. Not things that were unique to me, but things that were just simple and true for every one of us - but that we all overlook to our own detriment. In this journey I have found a different, more powerful and yet relaxed relationship with myself and life.

After many years on this path, I’ve gotten pretty good at articulating the things I see, and helping others see something for themselves. And this is what I offer to you. If you too find yourself at some stage of exploration of life and who you are and would like a deeper and fuller view, I am at your service.

Some of the professional stuff

I am a Certified Advanced Transformative Coach and have coached hundreds of people in many capacities over the past 6 years. I spent two years learning with Michael Neill and his amazing staff in Supercoach Academy and other programs. My most relevant “fields of study” have been in the Three Principles (expressed by Syd Banks), and also non duality. If you’ve heard of that stuff, cool. If you haven’t, don’t worry. It’s just what has helped me see things about life, your exploration will take its own path.

A little of the personal stuff

I recently moved to Nashville, TN after spending over a year caring for my mother, who recently passed from Alzheimer’s disease. It was a tough, humbling and beautiful journey. My husband Brian is my rock. I love all things chocolate (dark, if you please) and I reread all seven books of the Chronicles of Narnia about every 18 months – because who wouldn’t want to revisit Narnia over and over again?!


All photos of Brianne by Jerome Pollos


“Brianne's coaching makes a huge difference to people in all walks of life."

"Having witnessed Brianne's coaching and the impact she has on her clients, I'd recommend Brianne to anyone wanting a more peaceful, richer, simpler and more wonderful life. With a deep understanding of how human beings live, feel and perform at their best, coupled with a huge heart, Brianne's coaching makes an immense difference to people in all walks of life."

- Wyn Morgan, Wynning Coaching & Training

“I can’t stress just how important I think this work is and how powerful it was working with Brianne.”

“I had the opportunity to work with Brianne over the course of several months and the results have been truly life changing. Brianne understands the balance of when to sit back patiently and give you the space to make your own new discoveries and when to step in and offer just the right amount of guidance. My biggest take away was that all thoughts are transient and if you are patient you will notice that they will always pass through and allow you to return back to your true nature. Together we were able to figure out tools to help expedite that learning. Expect to go deep with Brianne and the more honest you are with yourself the bigger the breakthroughs will be. I can’t stress just how important I think this work is and how powerful it was working with Brianne.” 

- Ryan C.

“Getting an opportunity to work with Brianne has changed so much in my life”

"When I was first introduced to Brianne, I was in a state of confusion. In every aspect. My happiness and moral was low, my self-esteem non existent. Getting an opportunity to work with Brianne has changed so much in my life, from the way I think, to my relationships with my husband, children and others, to my happiness and mindset each and everyday. So many positives!! How I approach each day is so different from where I was 3 short months ago. I have the tools now that I need to conquer anything that is presented in my life, and for that, I'm forever grateful."

- Sherra R. 

“In those few short weeks… I felt like I was equipped to handle the world again—with grace.”

I literally woke up one Sunday, crying my eyes out, feeling like I wasn’t capable of being human anymore after years of spiritual turbulence. So, I finally called my dear friend Brianne to ask for help. In 8 weeks, there were so many huge “ah ha” moments I was in awe that I could ditch the negative gunk so fast. We all have the mind storm that tries to define who we are, but in those few short weeks, she helped me undo the tangles that had been in place for over 40 years, and release what was holding me back from life. I can’t even begin to put a value on our time together, but when it came to a close (for now!), I was able to see my humanity for the beautiful experience it was, and I felt like I was equipped to handle the world again—with grace. Thank you Brianne!

- K. Nedopak, author