There has been a promise

I see the spark of Life diminishing behind so many eyes, hearts receding back in defensive retreat. I know how deeply we can hurt, believing that Life and potential are shrinking.

If you must pull back, do not go far. There has been a promise made to you that should not go unclaimed. It is the promise of your full self. But you cannot receive it while held back in the shadows for safety. In the light, there are things for you to see...

Rage is affirmation of Life.

Destruction is affirmation of Life.

Despair is affirmation of Life.

In the same way as is




There is no place that Life is not. And because of the Life that courses through you, you can take in more of yourself from anything in existence. You can take in grief and have it add to you, not detract. You can take in sadness and expand, not diminish. You can take in take confusion and find yourself, not lose.

This is what Life asks of you, to take in all its glories and its horrors, its poetry and absurdity, and let it fill you up with the holy knowing of “I am.”

My love, you are.





So cry your tears and laugh your joys and scream your anger. Empty yourself over and over again at Life’s feet as you fan the flames of aliveness within yourself. Then square your shoulders and raise your head as you proudly move with the grace of the gods toward your birthright.