The currents of Life

Life swirls and churns, like the winds. Sometimes bringing delightful, refreshing kisses to your face. Other times driving the snows and the rains straight into your bones.

That you aren’t feeling a soothing breeze at this moment, is no indication that the winds have permanently ceased. That you are caught in a tornado now, is no signal that peace will never be again.

If you feel Life’s winds too little or too much, it’s worth a pause and a ponder - where are you pulling your feeling of being alive from? Where have you placed yourself in relation to the air?

Are you looking in places where the winds currently do not blow? It may be time to pull yourself from a dormant graveside in search of new drafts.

Have you set up camp in a hurricane’s path? If evacuation is not possible, wait for the winds to change, as they always do.

Be stirred or be still, the currents will be with you either way.