The amicable divorce from the woes of the heart

What do you have to let go of in order to emotionally thrive and prosper in the world, your world, exactly as it is? With its inability to form into the picture you wish it would.

What grudges, beliefs, fears, animosities, dreads must unhook from your heart so can it be freely graceful?

To be clear, emotional prosperity doesn’t mean being happy all the time, not being eternally optimistic.

This kind of thriving means that the soil of your emotional life is rich and fertile, where the seeds of all kinds of experience can grow.

What is stopping that?

You needn’t figure out how to unhook these things, just look at them honestly. State them. Name them. You don’t have to move them, correct them, condemn them. Just bring them to the light by forming them with words, and sit with them.

Perhaps… perhaps, if it comes easily enough, begin to wonder what life would look like if these hangers on left your life.

If you could amicably divorce them and say, “We are no longer a fit, indeed never were. I can plant nothing of value in your rancid soil except bitter fruits that do not nourish. Please leave me with my soft earth, and take with you your matted, choking roots.”

And in the space left behind wonder, what variety of experience now has room to flourish?