Eternally Temporary

Eternally temporary

It was all, always going to end.

If you didn’t already know,
I’m honored and regretful to be
The one to tell you. 

The reason
Is simply because it began.
It took the courageous risk of existing.
But something from nothing has
No other choice than to return. 

Take heart in knowing that the forces of Life
That brought it here,
And took it away,
Will carry on.
They will continue to create and collapse.
And that is a piece of it
A piece of you
A piece of everything

But of course, here you are in this body,
In this time, in these surroundings.
You fell head over heels for what could never stay.
You found the everlasting truth of Love
In things that would disappear. 

That is a fact well worth grieving over.

Know that your pain
Is the continuation of Love
And the tilling of the soil
For nothing to bring something.
To be loved and mourned anew. 

And this is your role,
To love and to break,
And all that can be done
With the terrible beauty
Of the eternally temporary.