I'm not convinced of my own doom any more

"I'm not convinced of my own doom anymore." One week after my client and I had begun working together, she threw out this comment as she was reflecting on how different everything looked now that she had a deeper understanding of herself and life.

I always love the way people express what is different for them once they “get” what I point them to in our sessions, but that particular sentence really struck me.

Doom. What a relatable feeling. I remember it so well. That dull background (or blaring foreground) feeling of impending disaster and dread. What it looked like to me varied - doom about relationships and love, doom about career, doom about finances, doom about health, doom about the state of the world, doom about life in general and the pointlessness of it all. “Doomed” ... Yes, that summarizes many of the feelings.

Until my client said it, I hadn't even realized it has been quite some time since I've felt that way. Which says something considering doom had loomed over me often in my life, regardless of how my life appeared to be going.

Now, in moments when I’m not feeling great (which is 100% natural for a human being, by the way), I can sense my mind wanting to toss that word into the ring almost as if by habit … "doomed". But as my client so perfectly stated, I'm just not convinced by it anymore. In the same way I may still feel a bit antsy in the dark, I’m no longer convinced that a monster lives in the shadows. Simply because I understand something more than I did before.

One powerful insight into the way life works seems to have erased "doom" from my emotional vocabulary.

And now, it seems to have done the same for my client.

We both commented on how much lighter and freer you feel once you see through the illusion of "doomed". And we remarked at how fascinating it all is, because nothing in our lives changed, except our mind.

What cool stuff I get to be a part of through my work, all by pointing people to a deeper understanding.

If you've been feeling that "doomed" feeling, and would like to erase it from your vocabulary as well, you can message me and we can schedule some time to talk.