Why Me?
Here is the game I am up to – getting to know and understand life and myself, what it all is and does, at deeper and deeper levels. Why I started this journey, or exactly how, I cannot really say. One day I just realized that was the path I consistently found myself on. Along the way I saw things that profoundly changed the way I see and experience life. Not things that were unique to me, but things that were just simple and true for every one of us - but that we all overlook to our own detriment. In this journey I have found a different, more powerful and yet relaxed relationship with myself and life.
After many years on this path, I’ve gotten pretty good at articulating the things I see, and helping others see something for themselves. And this is what I offer to you. If you too find yourself at some stage of exploration of life and who you are and would like a deeper and fuller view, I am at your service.
Some of the professional stuff
I am a Certified Advanced Transformative Coach and have coached hundreds of people in many capacities over the past 6 years. I spent two years learning with Michael Neill and his amazing staff in Supercoach Academy and other programs. My most relevant “fields of study” have been in the Three Principles (expressed by Syd Banks), and also non duality. If you’ve heard of that stuff, cool. If you haven’t, don’t worry. It’s just what has helped me see things about life, your exploration will take its own path.
A little of the personal stuff
I recently moved to Nashville, TN after spending over a year caring for my mother, who recently passed from Alzheimer’s disease. It was a tough, humbling and beautiful journey. My husband Brian is my rock. I love all things chocolate (dark, if you please) and I reread all seven books of the Chronicles of Narnia about every 18 months – because who wouldn’t want to revisit Narnia over and over again?!
All photos of Brianne by Jerome Pollos