What I do


I am a coach, teacher, pointer, mentor, trainer, educator, counselor… whatever you want to call it, my role is to show you the true ability of your mind and the power of your humanity. This wakes you up to a new kind of hope, potential, clarity, beauty and simplicity… all of which exponentially increases your interaction with life and all of the things inside it.

This results in deeper engagement (with whatever you want to engage in), more loving relationships, improved productivity with decreased stress, enhanced creativity, and a beautiful sense of being alive.

I am here to tap you into the most innovative, gifted, resilient version of yourself that lays “patiently waiting for your senses to grow sharper” (to quote WB Yeats).

How I do that

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By reminding you how you work.

Most people have little to no understanding of how human experience works. Practically all of us have a fundamental misunderstanding of the principle elements that make us tick.  

This misunderstanding often makes our lives much harder and more complicated than they need to be. We unintentionally cause problems where there aren’t any, and look for solutions where they don’t exist. Clearing up the misunderstanding provides clarity and well being beyond measure.


Human problems always come from within the human mind, individually and collectively, but when we go looking for solutions, we usually look to the outside world, into what’s already been created. We rarely go back into the mind.


The mind has become my specialty and the field I study and explore. Not psychology, neurology, or biology, but the invisible components that fuel and inform those things. Understanding how your mind works at a fundamental level, tends to bring with it deeper clarity, profound peace and freedom, increased resilience, enhanced creativity, improved productivity, stronger relationships, boosted leadership abilities, and a beautiful love of life.

Through powerful conversations and an exploration of how your mind works, I show my clients that the birthplace of solutions, resilience, creativity, compassion, empathy, beauty, productivity, connection (I could go on..), is actually always, and only, inside of you. At all times. No exceptions.

Contact me if you would like to start this conversation…